
Survivor China - Episode 5

Day 13: Erik and Jamie flirting in the lagoon. He confesses he is a virgin. Cue the harps. She totally trusts him now. Best pick up line ever. Cut to Fei Long: Denise and James working together. In voice over, James talks about Denise being a good, strong worker: a good, supportive woman. “That’s attractive in a woman. If she was a little younger or I was a little bit older, it could be trouble.” Who’d’ve thought?

A fishing boat arrives at Fei Long, bringing a note. Fei Long is to select two members of Zhan Hu to come over to their tribe. The tribe quickly deduces that Zhan Hu will also pick 2 Fei Long members. Zhan Hu gets the same note. Down 5 members to 7, they are so happy at the prospect of getting out of their current situation that it doesn’t occur to them 2 of their members might have to join Fei Long. Some time later a fishing boat arrives with a note instructing Sherea and Frostie to climb aboard and Zhan Hu finally realizes what idiots they were.

The new members arrive at their new camps. The producers have thrown in a basket of fruit, nuts and wine, giving the newly configured tribes a chance to relax and integrate. Alliance magnet Todd tells the cameras, “I may be able to get great bonds with them.” We don’t doubt you, Todd.

Next morning: Jean-Roberts, whose position in Fei Long is even more precarious with ally James gone, gets his lazy ass out of bed and starts breakfast. He other Fei Long members stay in bed, openly discussing Jean-Roberts shortcomings. This encourages Sherea and Frostie, who are happy to see that the others may already have picked the next member to eliminate should Fei Long lose the immunity challenge.

Over at Zhan Hu, Aaron tells the camera he feels comfortable with his new tribe. Aware that he is vulnerable to elimination as one of the new guys, he plants a seed, telling the others that James is such a strong competitor he may run the table immunity-wise once the tribes merge.

PG takes Jamie aside and tells her what is either the cleverest or the stupidest bit of strategic thinking in Survivor history. Here’s how she reasons:
Zhan Hu has 3 original members and 2 former Fei Long members.
Fei Long has 5 original members and 2 Zhan Hu members.
With James and Aaron now part of Zhan Hu, Zhan Hu could win the next 2 immunities.
If that happens, there is a good chance Fei Long will vote out its 2 former Zhan Huies.
If that happens, the original Zhan Hu will be down to 3 – PG, Jamie and Erik – and ripe to be picked off at a merge.
If, on the other hand, PG, Erik and Jamie throw the next 2 immunities, they will be able to eliminate James and Aaron. Not only would this eliminate the 2 of the strongest players in the game as post-merge threats, it would also even the original-Fei-Long – original-Zhan-Hu ratio at 5 each.

The weakness of her reasoning is clear – depending as it does on (a) Sherea and Frostie remaining loyal to Zhan Hu and (b) the merge coming after James and Aaron have been eliminated but before PG, Erik and Jamie have to go against Fei Long as 3 against 7.

The immunity challenge involves freeing twelve disks, each with a uniquely shaped rim, from a submerged pen. Once the disks are back on dry land they must be fit in their proper place on a large puzzle table. Aaron and Erik get Zhan Hu’s disks to land first and that’s where it starts to get funny. James works like crazy on the puzzle while PG and Jamie throw the competition beside him. Back at camp he sputters with frustration. Jamie starts giggling. James can’t believe it. Then PG starts giggling. You can almost see the smoke coming out of James ears. The girls can’t contain themselves. They walk off a ways and have a good belly laugh. It slowly dawns on James and Aaron (and Erik, for that matter) that they have been had.

At tribal council the girls admit they threw the competition and explain why. James and Aaron are appalled and outraged. How dar e these two small boned women take the game out of the hands of the physical competitors. Absofreakinlutely hilarious.

I think PG’s strategic move will backfire on them, mainly because I don’t believe Frostie and Sherea will remain loyal to Zhan Hu after the merge. But, hey, you’ve got to give them credit for taking charge.

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